Access Control.

We use electronic systems to help you secure locations in your business to allow the right person in and keep the wrong people out.  these systems can be integrated on an ID card, a keyfob , your eyes, fingers as well as  a keypad.

Evolving from a history of door locks and gates, the term “access control” in recent years has come to include technology innovations such as keypads, biometrics, smart cards and computer systems based on Internet protocol (IP). However, the basic idea of controlling access has been a constant, even as the many ways it can be achieved have multiplied, and even as it has become dependent on — and integral to — the broadest view of security's role in an enterprise.

Access control can be combined with id badges and time& attendance systems to streamline access for employees.

Access control is always a customized solution based on your individual business need.

Please schedule an appointment so one of our professionals can help you design the best system for you.